
Think About it Thursday: You are there, but are you really there?

Oh how true this is! This is true with any relationship we may have. I can personally relate to this with my children because they are who I am with all day, every day. I adore my children as I am sure most mothers do. However, I admit that there are moments that I find myself with my priorities out of place. It has helped me to make goals each day of what I want to do with my kids. Going back to the whole reason I started this blog and the title of the blog, "Motherhood in the Major Leagues"... I want to be a professional mom. I want to show up to my "work" each day prepared and with a plan. I plan crafts, outings, errands, activities we will play together. Some days that plan gets thrown out the window. And there are times in the day that are scheduled for me to get the things I need to done, but since they are planned and since when I am with my kids I am fully present I do not feel guilty for taking time to myself to shower or sit and check the blog. However, regardless to whether or not our days go as planned, the mere fact of thinking about my children after I have had a little time to myself and before going to bed each night helps me put things into perspective and put my children at the top of my priority list, which allows me to be present. Sure there are moments and days that I look back and think I could have done better, but the beautiful thing about children is that they are so forgiving and I get to try again the next day. What things do you do that help you to eliminate distractions and be present in your relationships?

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