
One Good Thing

Do you have a family motto or mission statement?  I have been pondering one for my little family for almost a year now since I listened to this podcast by Power of Moms on crafting your family identity. It was very thought provoking as to who we want to be as a family. When we begin with the end in mind, we have a much better chance of helping our family become all the wonderful things it can be. 

Our faith is something that is really important to us and our family. I have searched the scriptures trying to find the perfect mission statement and I always come back to Joshua 24:15 "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 

With a newborn at home, Thanksgiving and the Christmas season it is hard not to feel an extra abundance of gratitude. With that feeling of gratitude comes a huge sense of wanting to give back and to serve, which is something that is always on my mind. I always wish I can do more than I can and give more than we are able, which is why I am excited to get the book Jillie Bean and the One Good Thing. It will be the perfect way to introduce our family mission statement in a way that our children can understand and excite them. 

The message is empowering to kids in this world where they can often feel like they don't measure up. Jillie Bean and the One Good Thing is a story of a Dad that teaches his daughter all about serving others by doing one “good thing” at a time.

I'm not telling anyone what their mission statement needs to be, but regardless it is a sweet message that teaches that every little thing we do adds up to a lot! Check it out here.


Heather said...

What a sweet story! I love the idea of a family motto. I'll have to talk to my husband about creating one for us.

Unknown said...

I love this. We have been trying to think of a mission statement for our family for each year.

Kimber said...

That's one of my very favorite scriptures. We need to do a family mission statement - what a great idea!

Mrs. Lady Wordsmith said...

Our family motto is: We can do hard things. My oldest son has Asperger's and some of life's basic tasks are just hard for him. Other things come easily. But he gets very frustrated with the hard things. We try to help him know that we can all do hard things and doing those hard things make us stronger.