
Joy School: Spider Theme

Late in the summer when the excitement of going back to school began I started thinking about putting together some lessons for my two year old. I then decided if I was going to go through all the work that it would fun for a few of her little friends to join us. So, we started Play School or "Joy School" as everyone but me has heard of. We only meet once a week for an hour and half. There are 6 kids signed up, but that number varies a little bit week to week with who shows up. Each week's lesson is based around a theme. In September we did: apples, leaves, all about me and owls themes. Today's theme was spiders and it was a lot of fun!


Snack: ritz crackers filled with cream cheese, pretzels for legs, chocolate chips for eyes and Twizzlers for a smile

Art: painting back circles with a toothbrush. black construction paper for legs and wiggly eyes added once the circle dried. They also colored these pictures to use to help tell the story of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. We cut them out and put magnets on the backs. 

Game: pin the spider on the web. used window cling stickers found at the dollar store. 

Activity: each child had their own bottle to fill up with *colored rice, sequence, lil pumpkin beads, bat and pumpkin confetti and spiders. Each child got to scoop the rice and sequence into a funnel which made it much easier to get it inside the bottle. * coloring rice- place desired amount of rice in a ziploc bag and a few drops for food coloring and rubbing alcohol, mix it around until all the rice is colored and then take the rice out of the bag and spread it out on a paper towel lined cookie sheet for it to dry over night. 

Song: The Itsy Bitsy Spider. We sang it with the normal hand motions and then each child got a straw to use as the water spout and a ring spider to go up and down the spout with while we sang it. 

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